But what does restore mean?


For us, there are several ways and solutions for antique trunk restoring.

The first way, developed in the below guide, is the best known and easiest one. It consists in re-creating, from an antique trunk in its original state, a decorative object diverted from its initial travel function. Such method should not be called restoration but rather repair given that the aim is not to restore the object back to its original condition, but to safeguard an old object by adapting it with our current decoration tastes. It is therefore to be kept for low value and/or of no historic value trunks and/or objects.

The second way, which we use but do not necessarily talk about in this guide, consists in looking for a refurbished configuration as close as possible to the original condition. Of course that method, often less demonstrative, is more delicate, for it consists in preserving as much as possible the object in its primary function and its original condition. It must be applied to valuable trunks and fine items that still have preferably the whole of their original parts.

Lastly the third way consists in reinterpreting in a current way the first trunk-makers’ objective. Indeed what were they doing? Creating a packaging around a specific item? Therefore, as objects have evolved, it can be necessary nowadays to adapt the packaging to the content. Is converting an old cabin trunk into a CD trunk not continue to practice the know-how that consists in creating a specific packaging for each need? Thus we can convert an old dome-top trunk into a hi-fi trunk, a harp trunk into a wardrobe one, a wardrobe trunk into a desk trunk, etc.

Isn’t that the idea of modern trunk-makers who create, for current needs, modern trunks in the old days’ spirit?