With Amsterdam, Lisbon, San Francisco and Taipei the City Guides collection adds new cities to its map.
Since 1998, Louis Vuitton shares his traveling spirit throughout his City Guides and offers a sharp selection of addresses chosen with originality and bias.
On October 15, 2016, four new cities join the collection: Amsterdam, Lisbon, San Francisco and Taipei.
A trend indicator, a unique prescriber, updated, enriched and updated, the content of each guide is intended for travelers and the inhabitants of the cities explored.
Launched a year ago, the mobile application now offers 29 cities worldwide in its digital catalog and covers thousands of addresses. Easy to use, this application is downloaded in one click to make you the most local and the most informed of travelers.
Guest of honor, secret addresses, urban strolls, cultural agenda, author's looks, photographic portfolios: that's the spirit of the
City Guide that comes alive here. One way to intensify the travel experience.
The City Guide Paris will be free on the App Store from October 13th to November 1st.