Today, we're more than happy to introduce to you an amazing book.
Published in 2010 by Devambez, art publisher, the book Goyard is more of a work of art than a simple book.
First, its shape; printed in limited edition of 233 copies (a nod to the mythical address of Goyard in Paris located at 233 rue St-Honoré), it is printed on vellum paper.
It has a handmade typographic print. The pages are flying as they were in the printing of the first books and its binding is a Goyard trunk, numbered and personalized
for each client. Let's fly over the book's contents together.
We were fortunate in 2010 to collaborate with Pierre Tzenkoff and modestly contributed by providing some images of our archives. Being experts i
n old baggage is first of all to be interested in history with a big H. Then get excited about those with a small h. Building up documentation is the
basis of the expertise, so over the years we have a documentation of more than 200 old catalogs of trunks, original postcards of advertisements, hotel labels, etc.
We are, therefore, well-placed to appreciate the extraordinary research work that has been done on this book. Each page is a treasure, each resource and each text
is justified, commented, illustrated. Many scoops are unveiled, such as the date of the patent filing of the goyardine or as for example the association in 1932
where five trunk makers among the largest Parisian houses together formed a new company and associate themselves equal: François Bertin from
Au Depart, Jules Coulembier from Moynat, André Deraisme from Aux Etats Unis, Robert Goyard and Gaston Louis Vuitton.
This book is an essential mine for understanding Goyard manufacturing, history and models, but it also teaches us a lot about Vuitton, Moynat
and Aux Etats Unis. How the baggage merchants contacted during the release of the book may not have bought it?
We have deposited this book at the Haguenau baggage museum in which, by appointment, it is available.