Here we show you the travel accessories and how ingenious the trunk makers had to invent solutions to protect the accessories during the trip
Cream tray
Jewelery and watch case in black suede Sheathed wood Delivered in plastic packaging New stock...
Jewelery and watch case in braun suede Sheathed wood Delivered in plastic packaging New stock...
Jewelery and watch case in braun suede Delivered in plastic packaging New stock from DAVIDOFF:...
Cream colored tray with watch slots
Black veneer box • Jewelry box, tea box, games box, etc.
Book box with key A useful and original storage
Box / Suitcase with coat of arms • Wood and brass • Handle inlay • Interior...
valise necessaire de toilette homme avec armoirie
Affiche Louis Vuitton 1999
Affiche Louis Vuitton 1984
Affiche Louis Vuitton exposition 2001 Parc de bagatelle
Affiche Louis Vuitton exposition 1986
Affiche Louis Vuitton exposition 1985
Louis Vuitton cup 2000
PLM pharmacy kit (Paris Lyon Marseille) • Wood and brass • Interior redone ...
Necessary with storage boxes • Two boxes in 2 wood colors • and a round receptacle...
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