Trunk that belonged to Her Highness
the Countess Suzanna Potocka (1899-1989)
(A descendant of Aleksander Stanisław Potocki’s family) – She was able to flee from Poland and to take refuge in Switzerland during WWII. This good condition trunk epitomizes the baggage of the nobility families of that time. There are yellow and blue “stables” strips, the colors of the family coat of arms.
The SP monogram is preceded by the Countess nine-pointed crown.
You will notice that the stables strips on the below wardrobe trunk are the same ones.
We cannot be sure but it seems that the below trunk is of the same origin (we found these 2 trunks close to the Swiss border).
Wardrobe trunk
The wardrobe trunk is the best known among luxury trunks.
It can accompany a cruise passenger, enable to pack away a complete suit, and it is also the most convenient personal trunk.
Cabin trunk
The trunk for travelers in liners
These trunks were placed under the cabin beds during the journey.
Hat trunks

Top : Men hat trunk
Shoes trunk
Less common, these trunks enable to pack side by side at least ten pairs of shoes, all of them wedged in trays coated with suede-like fabric.
Following pages, for more Goyard trunks