Here we show you the travel accessories and how ingenious the trunk makers had to invent solutions to protect the accessories during the trip
Leather binoculars case.
Flask with its wicker case.
Leather bottle case.
Leather bottle case with its bottle without stopper.
Leather travel cutlery case personalized with the initials DC.
Leather case for two bottles.
Bottle - Golden metal brush - Button hook - other tools.
Ancient mahogany case. A resin "cross" has been added. This cross, yellow in daylight,...
Salesman travel case
Nécessaire de voyage with mechanism. Silver accessories (some are missing). Mother-of-pearl...
Presentation case for bottles. Salesman travel case Inside label "DUVIVIER".
Lavolaille Salesman travel case with key. Rare presentation case model with "sewing box" type...
Vanity case, box for bottles.
Travel microscope
Writing case with its key. With its two originial ink botles.
Moynat dressing case.
Antique box for collars. Nice storing box today for remote controls, jewels, ...
Beautiful doctor bag turned into a lamp.
Leather travel box. Brass lock with unusual key. The box contains a leather tray with: -...
Entirely original collar box.
Toilet bag. With bottles and accessories. To be used as a decoration or on top of a...
Dressing case with manicure set. With silver-plated box, bottles and accessories. To be used...
Dressing case. With silver-plated box and bottles. To be used as a decoration or on top of a...
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