Moynat cabin trunk, original orange canvas. - Solid brass lock - Moynat stamped clasps -...
Leather case with its 3 bottles. Earldom crown.
Black leather case for 6 bottles, 2 are missing. Made by Maw and Son's London (beginning of the...
Desk trunk Unique piece. - Solid brass jewelry - Black leather - Bindings made out from...
Collar box. Will be an unusual gift. Originally it was used to store detachable collars for...
Suitcase - Dressing case. Can be used either as a suitcase or with its toilet...
Dressing case. Complete.
Leather dressing case. Very nice case. A small easel enables to arrange the toilet...
Leather suitcase with its protective cover and its key. To be used as a decoration or on top of...
Leather case with necessaire. To be used as a decoration or on top of a decorative pile.
Necessaire de voyage. With glove stretcher, bottles, accessories... To be used as a...
Mappin and Webb Necessaire de voyage. Information on wikipedia ...
Leather postal or bank bag, Fichet lock with its key.
Beige leather suitcase with key. White metal lock with key. Interior with a padded...
Leather suitcase. White metal lock. Original fabric interior with a wallet.
Manicure case. Bottles and accessories.
Bottle case with its 3 bottles.
2 bottle case with its 2 original bottles.
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